- T-PAMI article accepted on Improving Deep Metric Learning by Divide and Conquer
- 2 papers accepted at NeurIPS’21 on:
- 3 papers accepted at ICCV’21 on:
- Transformers for Geometry-Free 3D Novel-View Synthesis
- iPOKE: Poking a Still Image for Controlled Stochastic Video Synthesis
- Self-Supervised LiDAR Scene Flow and Motion Segmentation (ORAL)
- 6 papers accepted at CVPR’21 on:
- Best Paper Award at CVPR’21—AI for Content Creation WS on
- High-Res Complex Scene Synthesis with Transformers
- ICML’21 paper accepted on self-distillation for deep metric learning
- ICRA’21 paper accepted on 3D object detection
- Nature Machine Intelligence article on unsupervised behavior analysis & magnification (uBAM) for biomedical diagnostics
- NeurIPS’20 ORAL on cINNs for Network-to-Network Translation
- T-PAMI publication accepted on
- Shared feature learning for Deep Metric Learning
- PLoS ONE publication on weakly supervised transliteration alignment for cuneiform sign detection
- GCPR’20 ORAL on unsupervised part learning by disentangling
- 2 papers accepted at ECCV’20 on:
- Explainable AI and semantic image manipulation
- Deep Metric Learning beyond discriminative features
- ICML’20 paper accepted on
- Generalization in Deep Metric Learning
- Best Paper Award at CVPR’20—AI for Content Creation WS on
- Interpretable Models for Visual Synthesis
- 3 papers accepted at CVPR’20 on:
- 3 papers accepted at ICCV’19
- Best paper finalist at CVPR’19
- 3 papers accepted at CVPR’19